Fruit des recherches du designer du designer anglais Benjamin Hubert, la table "Ripple" se veut l’une des tables de bois les plus légères au monde. Longue de deux mètres cinquante pour une largeur d’un mètre, cet étonnant plateau de bouleau ne pèse que neuf kilos.

Un nouveau procédé de fabrication mit au point par Benjamin Hubert et le fabricant canadien CoreLam permet d’utiliser environ 75% moins de matière qu'une table en bois classique. S’inspirant de l’aéronautique, et notamment du "Spruce Goose", le plus grand avion de bois jamais construit, la table "Ripple" se compose de contre-plaqué de bouleau ondulé. La finesse de cette lame de bois n’excède pas les 3,5 mm, ce qui explique sa grande légèreté.


La table "Ripple" est présentée dans la boutique Aram pendant le London Design Festival.

Dimensions (L x l x h): 250 x 100 x 74 cm

Sur ce projet, Benjamin Hubert précise :

"Benjamin Hubert has designed the world’s lightest timber table as part of an internal studio research project into lightweight constructions. The table, titled Ripple, is 2.5 metres long, 1 metre wide, and weighs just 9 kilograms. Made using 70-80% less material than a standard timber table, Ripple can be assembled and manoeuvred by a single person.

The table’s impressive strength to weight ratio is enabled by an innovative production process of corrugating plywood for furniture through pressure lamination, which was developed by Benjamin Hubert with Canadian manufacturer Corelam.

Ripple is made entirely from 3 ply 0.8mm birch aircraft plywood, a timber sourced only in Canada, where the table is manufactured. The material is the same as that used in construction of the Hughes H-4 Hercules – popularly known as the “Spruce Goose” – the world’s largest all timber airplane. The strength of the material in combination with the unique lamination process means the edge of Ripple measures just 3.5mm.

Ripple is minimal in its design language, employing a simple knockdown construction. The top surface is corrugated plywood overlaid by a flat sheet, and the A-frame legs are a sandwich construction of two corrugated plywood layers.

Ripple will be launched at Aram Store during London Design Festival in September as part of Benjamin Hubert’s inaugural UK solo exhibition, Antecedents. It will be available to buy from September on commission through Benjamin Hubert."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Benjamin Hubert et celui du fabricant CoreLam.  

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