Le designer milanais Giorgio Bonaguro nous fait découvrir sa lampe de table Tweety. Composée d'un corps en matériau de synthèse dans lequel vient se glisser l'ampoule, la lampe s'assemble et se démonte simplement, sans vis ni


Sur la lampe Tweety, Girogio Bonaguro précise:

"The Tweety table lamp, designed by Bonaguro Giorgio has a simple and intuitive design, made up of two main parts needed to build a lamp: the light and the body. These two elements are combined without using screws or joints but by simply letting the bulb hang from its body (like a little bird hanging in its birdcage), making it easy to clean, assemble and package. The lamp is made of eco- friendly materials such as polymetilmetacrilate (diffusing the light), coloured wire and an energy A class light bulb."

Photographies: Sergio Bianco

A découvrir également, la lampe Cindy de Giorgio Bonaguro.

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Giorgio Bonaguro.

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