Les designers Alexandra Kehayoglu et Maxi Ciovich ont imaginé leur version du transat de plage, une réinterprétation hivernale, la "Winter Passing Chair". Reprenant la forme et l’inclinaison à 30 degrés d’un transat classique, les designers ont remplacé la traditionnelle toile par un épais tapis qui s’étend au-delà de la structure.

Confortable et accueillant, ce tapis de 3 cm d’épaisseur est ajusté sur une structure de cerisier tourné. "Winter Passing Chair" est un projet relevant autant de l’art que du design, une invitation à la détente et au bien-être.

Sur ce projet, les designers précisent :

“In an attempt to mock that line that sometimes lies between art and design we found ourselves with the possibility of creating a new way. We discovered that design can act as a tool for art. In this case: a frame in which a textile piece lies along. Working on it, we discoverd that that line could be crossed back and forward without risking the real value of the piece. This is a chair that can be used. It oferrs an experience. Almost like a performance, the spectator can situate himself either inside or outside.

One has the possibility of submerging into the chair’s landscape, or that of remaining outside. The chair is made of strips of cherry wood turning. Three arc-shaped parts intersect to yield 2 triangles that provide lateral rigidity. The details were resolved with simple lines that complement the general austerity of the object. The angle offered by the interaction of the strips was chosen to provide a rest position, similar than that of a traditional beach chair.

It uses woven wool carpet in flexible foil character. 30mm thickness provided by this system was intended to gently absorb the body weight and create a comfortable feeling to the touch. A zipper closure system offers the possibility of removing the back for replacement or cleaning.

Taken together the interaction of these two materials provides a warm image resulting from the use of materials and a color palette balanced.”

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site d’Alexandra Kehayoglu et celui de Maxi Ciocich.  

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