Le designer chilien Pablo Llanquin nous présente "Gaïa", le fauteuil de bois et de feutre qu'il a imaginé.

Invitation tout en rondeurs à la détente, cette assise repliable tire son nom de la déesse grecque de la Terre Gaïa. Elle se compose d'une structure de hêtre, et son assise et son dossier sont tapissés de feutre.


Sur ce projet, Pablo Llanquin précise:

"I have to rest, like work is one of the things most worth doing in life so I thought this chair so you can relax in a comfortable position while resting low or read a book. My idea was that the chair is something we should welcome you and invite you to sit. In this same idea of containment concepts appear as our planet earth that contains us all is why I put the name of the Greek goddess of the earth Gaia. Another gesture that is thought to contain when curvamos both hands to take a little water there this morphology appears to curve the fundamental pieces that receive the body-seat and back-which are supported by other pieces of ribs straight way. Chair is collapsible and is made of laminated beech and industrial felt."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Pablo Llanquin

Book des Lauréats des MIAW


d'architectures en kiosque

couv dec 2024STE