Avec sa série "Digital Natives", l'artiste et designer anglo-colombien Matthew Plummer-Fernandez explore l'univers d'impression 3D. Il scanne et modélise en trois dimensions des formes complexes et les réinterprète sous forme d'objets qu'il imprime ensuite en 3D et en couleurs.

Sa série "Digital Natives" vient d'être présentée au 3D Printshow 2012 du 19 au 21 octobre 2012 à Londres.

Matthew Plummer-Fernandez précise:

"Everyday items such as toys and a watering can are 3D scanned using a digital camera and subjected to algorithms that distort, abstract and taint them into new primordial forms. In some cases only close inspection reveals traces inherited from their physical predecessors. These are then 3D printed in colour ink/ powder on a z-corp printer.

I am currently at the beginning of my ongoing 3D scan->remix->print-in-colour process development. These objects hopefully help capture the process in its early stages, whilst the algorithms and forms are still fairly crude, yet appreciable.

The algorithms are executed within my own made software 3D interfaces; co_former for transforming shape and #ccc (colour co-creator) for generating colour. These output files ready for 3D printing in colour. I've coded these with Processing, and libraries Hemesh, ControlP5, and Toxiclibs."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Matthew Plummer-Fernandez et celui du 3D Printshow 2012.  

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