L'artiste hollandais Wouter Dam expose ses dernières créations à la Galerie NeC de Hong Kong. Invité par Alain Chiglien et Roger Nilsson, Wouter Dam y dévoilera ses sculptures organiques, de fins rubans de céramique serpentant et s'enroulant en trois dimensions, jouant avec les perspectives.

Sur ses créations, Wouter Dam précise:

"The ceramic sculptures I make, do steadily develop along a clear line, this last group of sculptures here on show are slightly larger and with more unbroken circles incorporated into the sculpture, in this way slowly revealing more of its origins, the vase and bowl shape. The sculptures are closed and curled on to itself and in this way, keeping more of it’s secret, enticing you to explore the almost hidden inside of the sculpture. They are covered with a coloured engobe, the latest colours I have introduced are the soft pink, a light porcelain blue, and a grey tone. All these colours are specifically chosen to enhance the shape and to give a good contrast in between light and shade. The sculptures are built up of elements made on the potterswheel, assembled when leatherhard, every one of them becoming a unique sculpture, although clear- ly belonging to the same family of shapes. The sculptures are like drawing lines in space, making the clay seem weightless. The edges are refined and cut through the air in contrast to the soft voluminous exterior surfaces that bask in the light."

L'exposition se déroulera du 29 juin au 10 aout 2012.

Galerie NeC Nilsson and Chiglien - Hong Kong

208-218, Hollywood road Sheung Wan

Hong Kong

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Wouter Dam et celui de la Galerie NeC.

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