Diplômée de l'ECAL, Laetitia Florin a imaginé "Bidum", un contenant souple et mouvant fait de fines lames d'acier ressort gainées de tissu. Souple, "Bidum" ondule et rebondit, tout en  transparence.



Sur ce projet, Laetitia Florin précise:

"Bidum, an object on the move !  Bidum is a dynamic object, a fascinating container. It can be used for anything,  you define what it contains?!  The supple mesh moves  with the slightest breeze  without tumbling or wrinkling.  Feel the way it bounces,  turn around it and watch the lines  interfere with each other.  Movement is what makes Bidum  beautiful and fascinating."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Laetitia Florin.

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