Pour Emmegi, Luca Nichetto a imaginé "Metro", un système d'assises modulaires permettant de créer des canapés de multiples dimensions, composées de modules de  différentes largeurs.

Sur ce projet, Luca Nichetto précise:

"In Italian, a metro is a measuring stick designed to measure a base measurement – that of the metre – from which multiples and fractions can be obtained. Luca Nichetto’s Metro sofa, a modular interior decorating solution, embodies the same sense of measurement through its versatile combination of multiple modules. The sofa’s defining modularity results both from its structure, whose length can varied to accommodate one or more people, and from its cushions, which are designed to allow the creation of anything from a one-seat armchair to a couch with multiple seats according to one’s needs. Due to its versatility, Metro can be used in professional environments ranging from small spaces, like waiting rooms, to much larger ones, such as hotel lobbies."

Photographies: Stefania Giorgi

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Luca Nichetto.

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