Dessinées par Luca Nichetto pour Offecct, les "Green Pads" sont des étagères en aluminium permettant de créer de petits oasis de végétation dans l'espace d'un bureau ou d'un logement. Leur plateau aux allures de nénuphars sert de supports à des plantes vertes et à des

pots de différentes tailles.

Sur ce projet, Nuca Nichetto précise:

"A “green” environment improves our quality of life, and when this notion is applied to the context in which we work, the results are an increase in the oxygen levels in the air, a marked decrease in our sense of stress, an increase in our predisposition to activity and, as a consequence, an increase in productivity. Green Pads accomplishes the goal of making public and work-oriented spaces more comfortable. The inspiration for this project, which is a component of Offecct’s new “Oasis” initiative, was the architecture of the 1950s, when vegetation was treated as an integral aspect of architectural design. Created to support potted plants and flowers, Green Pads’ new system of aluminum shelves revolutionizes the traditional concept of displaying flowerpots. We have all seen the effect that Green Pads evoke on our own terraces or in our own gardens: when we move our clusters of potted plants nestled in their saucers, their circular shapes leave behind a pattern that explicitly recalls the forms of the water lilies depicted by Claude Monet in his garden at Giverny."

Photographies: Peterfotograf

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Luca Nichetto.

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