Dans le cadre de sa recherche intitulée "The Domestic Soundscape", la designer londonienne Chiara Onida a imaginé la carafe et les verres "Incalmi", une série d'objets en verre qui produisent du son quand le liquide qu'ils contiennent s'écoule.

A découvrir également, la carafe à eau et les verres "If John only knew".

Et aussi la carafe à eau "Piano-forte-mezzoforte".

Sur sa recherche "The Domestic Soundscape", Chiara Onida précise:

"“The Domestic Soundscape”explores the possibilities for using sound and rhythm to celebrate the small rituals involved with everyday domestic activities. The general aim is to create awareness of the emotions drawn from everyday sounds and rhythms by surprising the user with unexpected sonic experiences. The whole collection includes three sets of objects that show different approaches to the theme, from conceptual to functional: a ladder; carafes and glasses; as well as a toolkit to design impact sounds."

Pour en savoir plus sur "The Domestic Soundscape", visitez le site de Chiara Onida.

Source: Designspotter

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