A Soini en Finlande, l'agence Lassila Hirvilammi Architects a transformé ce sauna datant du dix-neuvième siècle. Une architecture de bois simple et épurée où se croisent les époques et les matières.

Sur le "Sauna Tonttu", Lassila Hirvilammi Architects précisent:

"Sauna Tonttu is an old, 19th century smoke sauna, which has been moved to its current location in Myllymäki in the late 1940s. At the same time the smoke sauna was changed into a granary. The sixth generation on the same farm is changing it into a sauna once again. The building shows the new and the old side by side. The new parts consist of high-quality spruce, which is meant to turn grey with age, and a black-grouted, brick sauna stove and cauldron masoned at the site."

Photographies : Mikko Auerniitty, Anssi Lassila

Pour en savoir plus sur le "Sauna Tonttu", visitez le site de Lassila Hirvilammi Architects.

Sources: Blog Bellostes et Designlines

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