L'agence d'architecture Höweler + Yoon a réalisé l'aménagement de la Boston Society of Architects, un programme de bureaux, de salles de conférence et d'espaces d'exposition dédiés à l'architecture et au design. Depuis la rue, l'espace se dévoile, comme un billboard, derrière de larges baies vitrées. A l'intérieur, un escalier sculptural descend du plafond, comme un signal.

Sur ce projet, l'agence Höweler + Yoon Architecture précise:

"The new BSA Space houses the Boston Society of Architects in a 16,000sf space at Atlantic Wharf in Boston. The new space houses meeting spaces as well as 6,000sf of exhibition space dedicated to architecture and design. The design of the BSA Space, won by competition in 2010, creates a single gesture of a soffit, a stair and a billboard to make the BSA Space both visible and accessible to the public. The soffit on the second floor acts as a facade, visible from the sidewalk below. Drawing the public up to the second floor, a grand stair drops down from the ceiling above, and provides a fluid transition between floors with a single gesture. Conference rooms are distributed within the free-flowing gallery zone on the second floor. The conference rooms form an archipelago of program distributed within the flows of public gallery, maximizing the contact between the BSA members, visitors, stakeholders, and members of the general public."


Photographies : Andy Ryan


Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de l'agence Höweler + Yoon Architecture.

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Coup de coeur !