L'agence Crepain Binst Architecture signe à Torhout en Belgique cet immeuble de bureau pour la société Infrax. Derrière une façade pixelisée, mosaïque de panneaux de verre teinté, se cache un bâtiment écologique à faible consommation d'énergie et aux espaces flexibles.

Sur ce projet, l'agence Crepain Binst Architecture  précise:

"As a utilities service provider, Infrax sets an important example concerning sustainability and energy efficient building. Infrax has drawn up a program of requirements with very challenging objectives concerning energy efficiency, comfort and flexibility for their new regional office in Torhout.

Diverse eco-innovative techniques such as a technical front wall with integrated photovoltaic panels, a borehole energy storage field (BEO field) and core concrete activation (BKA) have been applied throughout the building.

These technologies have yielded primary energy savings of 42% and a significant improvement in comfort. E-standard is E60 and the K value is K44.

We were commissioned to build Infrax West’s new offices after winning a competition in which Infrax’s high degree of ambition had to be expressed in a strong conceptual design that matched and enhanced its corporate identity.

Our characteristic ecological and sustainable values were given expression in this project by using a metaphor for a forest in which a host of slender concrete trunks were topped with a broad green ‘crown’.

The central pillar of the design is the creation of an innovative wall that is both literally and metaphorically green. It is construction in different ‘skins’, allowing it to regulate light, air and sound for the building.

The outer skin consists of screen printed glass panels in 3 colours and three degrees of transparency. The mosaic formed by all these elements and the wall’s ingenious construction have made an unmistakable contribution to the building’s expressive and dynamic character.

This technical ingenuity has been combined with unbroken space in the offices: A large free height of 3.40 m and a column-free span of 16 m have made the space airy and extremely flexible. The décor was deliberately kept restrained, using white as the main colour and warm shades of grey for the flooring and acoustic screens. A few carefully chosen black accents emphasise secondary functions and vertical circulation in the building. The closed character of the upper building is in contrast to the transparency and openness on the ground floors where the semi-public functions and lunchroom are located."

Photographie: Crepain Binst Architecture

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Crepain Birst.

Source: Architecturenewsplus

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